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Justice 4 ALL Madeleine McCann Family
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We welcome applications to join the forum from genuine caring compassionate people that wish to support Mr Mrs McCann in their never ending resolve to finding their daughter Madeleine and bringing her back home where she truly belongs.

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Could someone translate this?

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Could someone translate this? Empty Could someone translate this?

Post by Guest Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:03 am


I came upon it whilst doing a google search about Amaral & Co's forthcoming trial and the picture on the link baffled me somewhat. I will copy and paste the text, just incase the link becomes outdated:-

Advogado de quatro dos cinco arguidos duvida
Caso Joana: julgamento dos inspectores da PJ marcado para 24 de Outubro
16.10.2008 - 18h08 Lusa
O início do julgamento dos inspectores da Polícia Judiciária (PJ) acusados de alegadas agressões à mãe de Joana Cipriano está marcado para 24 de Outubro, mas o advogado de quatro dos cinco arguidos no processo acha "difícil" que tal aconteça. A mãe e o tio da menina, Leonor e João Cipriano, foram condenados a 16 anos de prisão pelos crimes de homicídio e ocultação do cadáver da criança, que desapareceu da aldeia de Figueira, Portimão, a 12 de Setembro de 2004, com oito anos.

As acusações do Ministério Público (MP) contra cinco inspectores da Judiciária surgiram na sequência de alegadas agressões à mãe da menina, ocorridas durante os interrogatórios a que foi submetida na PJ de Faro. O Tribunal de Faro deverá escolher amanhã entre um grupo de dezoito pessoas os quatro membros efectivos e quatro suplentes que integrarão o Tribunal de Júri que julgará os inspectores envolvidos no processo.

Segundo o advogado de quatro dos cinco inspectores, António Pragal Colaço, será difícil que "em termos logísticos" se consiga preparar tudo para que o julgamento comece já na próxima semana. "Corre-se o risco de começar o julgamento com recursos pendentes sobre a exclusão de jurados, o que não faz sentido nenhum", afirmou, acrescentando que as coisas nem sempre conseguem fazer-se "à velocidade da bala".

A apresentação de atestado médico ou outro tipo de escusas e impedimentos previstos na lei são alguns dos casos que poderão levar à exclusão de jurados, pelo que a proximidade entre a data de sorteio final dos cidadãos e o início do julgamento pode ser um problema, sustentou. No caso de ser efectuado um pedido de escusa entre o grupo final, o juiz tem um prazo de cinco dias para responder, o que vai calhar muito em cima da data prevista para o início do julgamento, reiterou.

No site do Ministério da Justiça onde figuram as datas das diligências marcadas nos tribunais de todo o país surgem publicadas duas datas para o início do julgamento dos inspectores da PJ: 24 de Outubro e 20 de Novembro. Fonte judicial explicou que uma segunda data é uma alternativa no caso de haver adiamento do início do julgamento.


Antes de estar a cumprir pena na prisão de Odemira, a mãe de Joana esteve presa preventivamente e foi inquirida diversas vezes na PJ de Faro, tendo numa dessas deslocações - em Outubro de 2004 - regressado à cadeia com hematomas visíveis no rosto, de acordo com informações vindas a público. No âmbito do processo, três inspectores são acusados de crime de tortura, um é acusado de não ter prestado auxílio e de omissão de denúncia e um quinto é acusado de falsificação de documento, segundo informações igualmente veiculadas pela comunicação social.

Um dos acusados é o ex-coordenador do Departamento de Investigação Criminal (DIC) da PJ de Portimão, Gonçalo Amaral, que, entretanto, se reformou daquela polícia e que liderou a investigação do desaparecimento da menina inglesa Madeleine McCann em Maio de 2007, na Praia da Luz, Lagos.

Gonçalo Amaral afirmou no passado dia 11 de Setembro que está apenas acusado de "falso testemunho" e "omissão do dever de denúncia" no processo de alegadas agressões a Leonor Cipriano. "Não estou acusado do crime de tortura, mas apenas dos crimes de falso testemunho e omissão do dever de denúncia", realçou Gonçalo Amaral.

Um relatório divulgado em Abril deste ano e fruto de uma investigação da Associação Contra a Exclusão pelo Desenvolvimento (ACED) concluía que existiu um crime de tortura perpetrado por agentes da Polícia Judiciária sobre Leonor Cipriano. O relatório acrescenta que Leonor Cipriano apenas foi capaz de afirmar com certeza absoluta que Gonçalo Amaral, então coordenador do DIC de Portimão, esteve presente durante o interrogatório, assistindo às torturas de forma perfeitamente complacente. Gonçalo Amaral refutou as conclusões desse relatório e processou judicialmente o autor desse documento, o advogado Marco Aragão.

Se fosse viva, Joana Cipriano teria hoje 12 anos, mas, quatro anos depois, o corpo da menina nunca foi encontrado. O padrasto da menina, Leandro Silva, disse há um ano que acreditava que Joana ainda estaria viva e que teria sido "vendida ou raptada".


Don't know how to do a google translation, but if anyone does, I would be grateful



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Could someone translate this? Empty Re: Could someone translate this?

Post by Guest Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:01 am

Not to worry, it is probably old news now anyway.



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Could someone translate this? Empty Re: Could someone translate this?

Post by Guest Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:02 am


Sorry for the double posting - just edited same, as I had internet connection problems



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Could someone translate this? Empty Google Translation

Post by Guest Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:20 pm

A lawyer for four of the five defendants doubts
Joana case: trial of the PJ inspectors scheduled for October 24,
16.10.2008 - 18.08 Lusa
The start of the trial of inspectors from the Judicial Police (PJ) accused of alleged assaults on the mother of Joana Cipriano is scheduled for October 24, but the lawyer for four of the five defendants in the case it "difficult" to happen. The girl's mother and uncle, Leonor and Joao Cipriano, were sentenced to 16 years in prison for crimes of murder and hiding the corpse of a child, who disappeared from the village of Figueira, Plymouth, the September 12, 2004, with eight years.

Accusations of Public Prosecution (MP) against five inspectors of the Judicial arose as a result of alleged assaults on the girl's mother, during his interrogation that was submitted in the PJ in Faro. The Court of Faro will choose tomorrow between a group of eighteen people the four members and four alternates who comprise the Court of jury will judge the inspectors involved in the process.

According to the lawyer for four of the five inspectors, Anthony Colaço Randfontein, which will be difficult "in logistical terms" can manage to prepare everything so that the trial begin as early as next week. "It runs the risk of starting the trial with appeals pending on the exclusion of jurors, which does not make any sense," he said, adding that things can not always take place "at the speed of the bullet."

The presentation of medical certificate or other type of excuses and impediments mentioned in the law are some of the cases that could lead to the exclusion of jurors, and the proximity of the date of final lot of citizens and the start of the trial may be a problem, he argued. In the case of an application to be made between the group final excuse, the judge has a deadline of five days to respond, which is very handy over the date for start of trial, said.

On the website of the Ministry of Justice which shows the dates of steps marked in the courts across the country are published two dates for the beginning of the trial of inspectors from the PJ: October 24, and Nov. 20. Source court explained that a second date is an alternative in case of postponing the start of the trial.


Before being in prison serving sentences of Sturgis, the mother of Joanna was in custody and was questioned several times in the PJ in Faro, taking one of those trips - in October 2004 - returned to the jail with visible bruises on the face, according to information from the public. In the process, three inspectors are accused of crime of torture, one is accused of failing to provide aid and failure to report and a fifth is accused of forgery of documents, according to information also reported by the media.

One of the accused is the former coordinator of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the PJ from Portimao, Gonçalo Amaral, who, however, that retired police and who led the investigation into the disappearance of British girl Madeleine McCann in May 2007, in Praia da Luz, Lagos.

Gonçalo Amaral said in the past day on September 11 which is only charged with "perjury" and "failure of duty of complaint" in the alleged assaults on Leonor Cipriano. "I'm not accused of the crime of torture, but only the crimes of perjury and failure of duty of complaint," stressed Gonçalo Amaral.

A report released in April this year and the result of an investigation of the Association Against Exclusion for Development (ACED) concluded that there was a crime of torture perpetrated by agents of the Judicial Police on Leonor Cipriano. The report adds that Leonor Cipriano was only able to say with absolute certainty that Goncalo Amaral, then coordinator of the IHD of Plymouth, was present during the interrogation, torture of watching the way quite complacent. Goncalo Amaral refuted the findings of this report and prosecute the author of this document, the lawyer March Aragon.

If it were alive, Joana Cipriano had 12 years now, but four years later, the girl's body was never found. The girl's stepfather, Leandro Silva, said a year ago believed that Jane would still be alive and could have been "sold or kidnapped."


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Could someone translate this? Empty Re: Could someone translate this?

Post by Rosie Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:34 pm

According to the lawyer for four of the five inspectors, Anthony Colaço Randfontein, which will be difficult "in logistical terms" can manage to prepare everything so that the trial begin as early as next week. "It runs the risk of starting the trial with appeals pending on the exclusion of jurors, which does not make any sense," he said, adding that things can not always take place "at the speed of the bullet."

No things cannot, "always take place at the speed of a bullet" after all Portuguese Judiciary, it is not as if you have not had almost a year to sort this out is it? confused 🇳🇴 affraid

How many up in court on serious charges and if found guilty should end up in prison serving a jail sentence? Five isn't it? Goncalo Amaral, Paulo Cristoavo and three others!

Jailfor5Arguidos ........... Jailfor5Arguidos ........... Jailfor5Arguidos ........... Jailfor5Arguidos ........... Jailfor5Arguidos

Ididn'tdoit Ididn'tdoit Ididn'tdoit Ididn'tdoit Ididn'tdoit

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